Tuesday 24 July 2012

Shooting in Aurora theater thinking of suing Warner Bros?

It's tragic yet expected. A victim of the shooting in Aurora theater has now hired a lawyer to look in to getting money from at least someone, for the shooting. Like I said, tragic yet inevitable. The name of the victim, Torrence Brown.

Torrence Brown has now hired a lawyer and is thinking of suing the theater due to them not having an alarm for when Holmes kicked open the emergency doors, the doctors who approved James Holmes medication and Warner Bros for creating The Dark Knight Rises. Holmes however, has said that he blames his actions on Heath Ledgers performance of The Joker in the Dark Knight. Another reason why Torrence Brown blames Warner Bros is because, when the gunfire started, people thought it was part of the movie.
Thanks to James Holmes, other people and companies will be blamed for his own diabolical actions.

This is what Torrence Browns lawyer said about the matter:

"Somebody has to be responsible for the rampant violence that is shown today"

 His lawyer is correct where he says that someone has to pay, but not the doctors, or even Warner Bros, but the theater however should have had an alarm for when the emergency doors were opened. Apart from that, the only one that needs to pay is Holmes and Holmes alone. 

Holmes is already in his cell, isn't that enough? Torrence doesn't need to blame the people who feel just as bad as he does.

What do you think? 
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