Monday 6 May 2013

New SPOILERISH TASM 2 Gwen Stacy photos

All I have to say is SPOILERS! for those who do and don't know what Emma Stone's, Gwen Stacy's wardrobe is all about...

There have been plenty of rumours floating around that the next instalment of The Amazing Spider-man series, will be leading up to 'The Death of Gwen Stacy' storyline. The pictures which have been released (thanks to Superherohype) for the movie seem to subtly confirm the rumours.

For those who don't know, Gwen Stacy's wardrobe from the following pictures are reminiscent to the clothes she wears in The Amazing Spider-man # 121, in which poor Miss Stacy is thrown off The George Washington Bridge (which was hinted at the end of The Amazing Spider-man) by the Green Goblin.

Here are more pictures featuring the possibly doomed Gwen Stacy:


What do you think? Will Gwen Stacy die in The Amazing Spider-man 2?

Sound off below

The Amazing Spider-man 2 is set to be released 2nd May 2014

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