Friday, 7 September 2012

Could Doctor Strange appear in Thor: The Dark World?

Rumor has it that The Master of the Mystic Arts may have a cameo in the Thor sequel. Yes, you all know who i'm talking about, Doctor Stephen Strange of course!

A Doctor Strange movie has been on Marvel's radar for quite a while, but it appears that rather than introducing him into his own movie, he'll be introduced into another... Thor Odinson's.

I would have liked to have a Dr. Strange solo movie before seeing him in any other films involving different Marvel superheroes.
 Despite the fact that I would prefer for Strange to have his own solo film, I believe it's a rather smart approach for widening the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
For people who don't know anything about Mr. Strange, all I have to say is that he has been studying Mystical Arts for many years and, well... HE'S THE SORCERER SUPREME!
The reason for why I say that this is a smart approach is because of the Mystical and almost Magical genre for the Thor movies, which I believe Dr. Strange will easily be able to slide into.
As Asgard is thought of as both a mixture of Magic and science, hopefully Strange will have some sort of scientific background (if he ever gets abilities in the Universe).

Here is what Screen Rant had to say about the matter:

'The Playlist claimed that Natalie Portman’s character Jane Foster could be working alongside Dr. Strange in a similar capacity as she did with Stellan Skarsgård’s Dr. Erik Selvig in the first film, and that Strange would be playing a big part in “all three acts” of the film, as opposed to being relegated to a cameo-type introduction. He would play a scientist (he’s a genius neurosurgeon in the comics) and someone who’s deeply interested in Foster’s stories and knowledge about Asgard and Thor.'

What do you think about The Sorcerer Supreme appearing in Thor: The Dark World?

Comment below... 

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