DC Comic's worlds finest and greatest heroes team up to form THE JUSTICE LEAGUE and a movie based on the team is set to be released in 2015, but which characters should appear and who should play them? All of that is in the following.
I was thinking of having this Justice League movie being based on the New 52 comics, where the members are much younger than in the previous comics.

The Man of Steel, The Last son of Krypton, SUPERMAN. You can't have the Justice League Kal-El.
Clark Kent is a natural born leader. He is the team member who everyone turns to in their time in need and carries hope on his shoulders for when there is no hope.
I would want this Superman to not be the smartest, but is able to take control when needed. His greatest ability is his responsibility. He knows that he is responsible for his own actions and therefore protects those who do not have the same amount of responsibility as himself.
Supes will have limited abilities and will not be as physically strong as he usually seems to be. This would further his reasons for having such a large amount of responsibility.
As the upcoming Superman film, The Man of Steel will have a much darker portrayal of the character than in previous movies and comics and this is how I would want him to be like in The Justice League.

Henry Cavill will be Superman in the upcoming Man of Steel and why would we change the actor when there would only be a two year gap between the release of MOS and JLA.
If he is to be a bad Supes, we still shouldn't change the actor as that would only confuse the situation.

"He's the hero we deserve, but not the one we need. He's a Silent Guardian, a watchful Protector, The Dark Knight".
Batman is the brains of the team, but also the darkest of all the team mates.
Batman has no super powers, but is considered as one of the dangerous member of the team. This is because of all his Detective skills, Strategic skills, stealthy techniques and plenty more!
He guards Gotham both in the day and at night. As Bruce Wayne, he handles problems such as poverty and disease. Bruce Wayne has the money to do all of these which makes him a vital member of the team.
Bruce's money also assists his Crime fighting, regarding all the weapons and gadgets he wields. He needs his usual gadgets such as his Grapple, but one thing I
want need to see more in the movies are his signature weapons: THE BATARANGS.
This Batman should be dark and Broody, yet not as dark as in his appearance in The Dark Knight Trilogy. I would like his costume to resemble armor, but to add a little grey.
Gosling has portrayed rich and intelligent people in the past (Ides of the March) which would make him a great Bruce Wayne if he repeats the role.
He can also play a stone cold, merciless character like Batman (a la Grant Morrison).
The Amazonian Princess, Wonder Woman is the strong-willed woman of the team. She is beautiful, but is not a force to be reckoned. She is considered as one of the most strongest characters in the DC Universe, but does not believe in war (although she will take part if absolutely necessary).
With her natural abilities and constant training, she can almost take on every hero/villain in the DC Universe, along with supernatural characters.
Diana wields multiple weapons such as her Lasso of Truth, Bullet proof Bracelets, Golden Tiara, Sandals of Hermes and Guantlets of Atlas. She also possesses an invisible plane (but I wouldn't advise to put this in the movie, only to hint at it).
As a Princess, she knows how to look out for her people, so she can certainly look after the Justice League members.
Jessica Biel is used to playing strong female characters (Blade: Trinity, The A-Team, Total Recall), so playing Wonder Woman would almost be easy for her.
Now, I can imagine what you are thinking: 'Why not Hal Jordan?'. Well the answer lies in 2011 when the first live action depiction of The Green Lantern came to the big screen. This movie was a giant box office flop and many fans were disappointed. So, now you may understand why I have chosen John Stewart as the wielder of the ring in the movie.
In the comics, John Stewart is described as a hot head. He is willing to kill when absolutely necessary. Due to his personality, his rings creations are described as very 'solid', but his ring isn't his only asset. He is trained in hand-to-hand combat from his early training in The United States Marines and is also an expert sniper.
As for all Green Lanterns, there creations are only as powerful as their willpower and Stewart exceeds the limit of the ring, this is shown when he tries to create a whole planet from scratch.
I know, Idris Elba is currently playing Asgard's Bifrost Guardian in The Marvel Cinematic Universe, but hear me out. Who else can play a powerful, battle hungry hero?
Idris Elda has proved that he can in fact play a part as powerful as John Stewart in many of his roles.
The Flash is probably the friendliest of all the team mates. He is the one that you would most likely run into on the streets and would actually start a conversation with you, unlike many other superheroes who base their daily patrols either above the ground, or beneath!
I would prefer this version to be Wally West, mainly because he is the most comedic and immature. Also Flash is depicted as the soul of the group, due to his general good nature.
Who else but Mr Harris to play the Scarlett Speedster? He's funny, charming and friendly, just like The Flash himself.
He's also used to playing in superhero movies. He had featured in the comedic musical Dr. Horrible, where he had played the main role.
Another great asset to the team is J'ohn J'onzz A.K.A The Martian Manhunter. As it says in the name, he is in fact a Martian.
Personally, I think of The Martian Manhunter as part Batman and part Superman. He has Batman's brains and detective skills, whereas he has Superman's powers, abilities and more!
I think that Peter Mensah should portray as The Martian Manhunter. My first reason for the decision is simple... I have always imagined that in Human form that The Martian Manhunter would be black. It's just a thing I have always thought, ever since I even heard about Manhunter.
Another reason is that I think that Mensah is capable of doing an almost robotic voice. I am not really judging this on the body, but mostly on the voice, for this role.
Believe it or not, I am more of a Marvel fan and didn't really read any comics related to DC in my youth (I am talking approximately 6 years ago), therefor only new about most non well known characters through word of mouth. Most of you know that fanboys will do anything to disrespect Aquaman and say that he 'sucks' and for that reason I had agreed with that statement, and thought of him as being lame (as the young people say).
It wasn't until I started watching re-runs of The Justice League shows and reading the New 52 titles that I realized how bad-bottom he really is.
Who wouldn't want someone like this on their side.
To start off, Hedlund had been rumored to be playing Captain America and Daredevil, so why not Aquaman? I thought he was great as the main character in Tron: Legacy and could play a pretty good King of Atlantis.
Hedlund would have to be able to play a head-strong and almost disobedient character.